Copyright 2020 Greenlaw Consulting Group, Inc. | All Rights Reserved
Legal Disclaimer
The information contained on this website is intended as general educational material only and does not constitute legal advice. Any information contained on this website should not be relied upon without consulting an attorney licensed to practice in the jurisdiction regarding your matter. Laws and legal requirements are subject to revision and interpretation. Greenlaw Consulting Group, Inc. make no representation, warranty, guarantee, or claim that the information contained on this website is current. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the resources or information available at or from this website. Any results portrayed in this advertisement are dependent upon the facts and law applicable to each particular case, and results will differ based on the specific facts and law(s) applicable in each case. Nothing contained on this website constitutes a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of a specific legal matter or tax case. No attorney-client relationship is formed by the use of this website, by requesting further information, or by submitting information via any form on this website. Legal services are not available in all jurisdictions.
We do not guarantee that your tax liability/liabilities will be reduced by a specific percentage or amount or that your tax debt will be paid off within a specific time period or guarantee you’ll qualify for any IRS programs mentioned on this site or during a phone consultation. Greenlaw Consulting Group, Inc. is not a law firm. While we may employ contracted or employed attorneys and IRS Enrolled Agents, pursuant to IRS Regulation Circular 230, the use or the term ‘tax attorney’ is used as a general or generic term referencing attorneys seasoned in the aspect of tax relief. They may or may not have a specialized degree in taxation or be individually licensed to work in your particular state. Greenlaw Consulting Group, Inc. is a tax resolution firm independent from the IRS. We do not assume tax debt or make monthly payments to the IRS or state taxing agencies on your behalf. We do not provide accounting or legal advice. It is the responsibility of the consumer to read and understand all written program materials prior to enrollment. Not available in all states.
Circular 230 Disclaimer
To comply with IRS requirements, you are hereby advised that any written U.S. federal tax advice contained in this website is not intended nor written to be used, and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code with respect to any transaction or matter addressed. Without our prior express written consent, no person may use any written tax advice contained in this website in the promotion, marketing or recommendation of a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to one or more taxpayers. Nevertheless, there is no limitation on disclosure of the tax treatment or tax structure of any transaction that is the subject of the written advice herein contained. Complete info on Circular 230: